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i've always loved storytelling of all kinds, video games, comics, tv shows, you name it. its a love that has followed me throughout my entire life and something I still keep today as someone immersed in fandom and artistry.

here will mostly be sharing of my favorite fictional stories and games. maybe we will find a common interest!

Some content featured on this page may be 18+ and contain themes like violence and sex, sometimes at the same time. Consume with caution.

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Recent examinations: Ecco The Dolphin (1992), Mouthwashing (2024), Fritz The Cat (1972)


tv and movies

The Thing

Lots of questions, little to no answers. I have this on DVD.


Osomatsu San


Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Blood Tea And Red String

Regular Show

Smiling Friends


Moral Orel

I have a page all about this show.



Akudama Drive


Girl's Last Tour

comic books

The Pervert



Hizashi 18+

A collection of short erotic comics. All are very cartoonish and ridiculous, truly just perverted fantasy nonsense. Despite it all, some of the stories feel strangely lonely and distant. It definitely evokes a weird feeling, at least in me. This could be considered hentai, so read at your own risk. Although its not super graphic, at least in comparison to modern hentai.


Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion

My favorite horror game of all time. I'd describe it as a love letter to the entire genre of horror as a whole. Almost every monster is based on some sort of trope or other piece of media, meaning theres something for everyone. The ideal halloween video game. The music is amazingly diverse and colorful for a horror game as well, lots of interesting sounds.


Yume Nikki


Favorite Genres

  • Horror. My number one favorite genre in basically all mediums. Especially psychological horror. I adore bad campy horror movies with shoestring budgets as well.
  • Comedy. I like silly, wholesome things. I get lost in them easily. I'm especially a sucker for old kids comedy cartoons.
  • Science fiction and cyberpunk. Those usually have the best art and best worldbuilding. or best worlds in general.
  • Mystery. I want to theorize about something, get it totally wrong, and then get slapped in the face with a huge plottwist!! and i wanna do it over and over again!!!!!