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html pages dedicated to media I especially adore.

all of these are designed for a 1920 by 1080 monitor but can be viewed on anything. quality will vary.

Teruteru Hanamura

made 5/13/23, last updated 11/28/24

Moral Orel

made 11/20/22, last updated 10/28/23

Hollow Knight Progress Log

made 5/14/22, last updated 11/20/22

Retired Shrines

i still like all of these things but the shrines themself aren't super recent and i dont plan to edit them any further besides minor changes. my current opinions may be a bit different.


made 10/10/20, last updated 12/19/21 UNDER RECONSTRUCTION

One Piece

made 4/30/22, last updated 4/30/22

Reviews + Dissections

Reviews and in depth essays on some content that i have something to say about.

these are all simply the opinions and point of view of an inexperienced writer, don't take it as anything more!

Zetsubou Prison Review

Why people are wrong about MW ft. Johan Liebert(coming soon!!)